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Aqua Marina Betta SET 13'6'' (412 cm) Kayak, Canoe
Product code: BE-412_22-SET | ID: 1100570
The discounted set with accessories is put together in such a way that all the products form a perfect harmony. Buying the set also saves you money, as it is cheaper than the products individually. The main picture showing the set is for illustrative purposes.
Made in
All reviews come from verified customers who have purchased a product from us in the past.
Szabo V.
Rated variant
Raport preț-calitate foarte bun
Very good price-quality ratio
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Georgi P.
Rated variant
Super products
Super products
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Kristian-Philippe V.
Rated variant
Svaka pohvala za brzu i točnu isporuku.
Kudos for the fast and accurate delivery.
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Lovro Š.
Rated variant
Sve izgleda kvalitetno i lijepo, ali... Nakon što smo raspakirali kajak, napumpao sam ga po uputama, stavio stolice i otišli smo na more. Usred plovidbe smo primjetili da se polako ispuhava dno. Dok smo se vratili na obalu, donji dio kajaka je bio kompletno prazan. Dobro da nismo potonuli. Čak ni prvu plovidbu nismo uspjeli napraviti. Toliko smo se veselili, a sad nam je upropašten plan da vozimo kajak na odmoru. Reklamirali smo i čekamo odluku servisa.
Everything looks high quality and nice, but... After we unpacked the kayak, I inflated it according to the instructions, put the chairs and we went to sea. In the middle of sailing, we noticed that the bottom is slowly deflating. By the time we got back to shore, the lower part of the kayak was completely empty. Good thing we didn't sink. We didn't even manage to make the first voyage. We were looking forward to it so much, and now our plan to go kayaking on vacation has been ruined. We have advertised and are waiting for the service's decision.
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