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Zuzana Vlčinská Poslyšte s radostí - 30 koled ve vícehlasých úpravách pro společné muzicírování Sheet Music


Zuzana Vlčinská Poslyšte s radostí - 30 koled ve vícehlasých úpravách pro společné muzicírování Sheet Music

Publication type: songbook + CDFor: mixed choirmulti-voice adjustmentsPublication language: cz.Singing: cz.Of the many songs, ballads and caroling songs that have accompanied our ancestors in our countries for centuries during the holy Christmas...
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Sheet Music Zuzana Vlčinská Poslyšte s radostí - 30 koled ve vícehlasých úpravách pro společné muzicírování Sheet Music

Zuzana Vlčinská Poslyšte s radostí - 30 koled ve vícehlasých úpravách pro společné muzicírování Sheet Music

17.20 €
18.90 €
- 9 %

Product code: H 8033 ncd | ID: 315775

Zuzana Vlčinská Poslyšte s radostí - 30 koled ve vícehlasých úpravách pro společné muzicírování Sheet Music

Publication type: songbook + CD
For: mixed choir
multi-voice adjustments

Publication language: cz.
Singing: cz.

Of the many songs, ballads and caroling songs that have accompanied our ancestors in our countries for centuries during the holy Christmas season, about twenty of them are commonly sung. The author of polyphonic adaptations, Zuzana Vlčinská, was happy to include not only well-known carols, but also almost forgotten gems of this genre, mostly from the Moravian and Silesian region, in the Poslyšte collection.
Carol is not only a song, but also a game and a ritual of meeting, giving, and sharing the good news of the Savior's birth and new hope in the middle of winter. And Zuzana Vlčinská tries to bring 30 carols closer to these roots in accordance with her own unique pedagogical-therapeutic method of experiential singing. Through a songbook and a CD, everyone can be inspired to sing together in an inspiring way using elementary musical and declamatory means. The simplicity of the adjustments mainly concerns the low level of execution, but it certainly does not mean musical trivialities. These arrangements can be seen as a basis for spontaneous joint music making ad libitum. Likewise, the enclosed CD with a recording of most of the carols performed by the chamber choir Ensemble Guillaume, Zuzana Vlčinská and Zuzana Lapčíková does not mean a single correct approach and interpretation. Rather, it is a kind of sample book of ideas and arrangement possibilities.

- non-traditional selection of 30 carols from Moravia, Silesia, Bohemia and Slovakia
- enriching the current repertoire with unknown carols
- multi-voice adjustments with the possibility of variable occupancy
- joint music making ad libitum
- a comprehensive and inspiring foreword
- didactic notes on the possible interpretation of individual carols

Content: author of music / text / composition

Bůh což věčný uložil
Byla cesta ušlapaná
Co se této noci stalo
Dej Bůh štěstí
Dej Pán Bůh dobrý den
Duše naše Boha chval
Ej, všecko stvoření
Jozef muj kochany
Kajpak kročiš, Maria
Kolednice idu
Kristus Pan se narodil
Na čem Pan Bůh sedi
Narodzil sě Kristus Pan
Něněchtě nas dluho stati
Nesem vám noviny
Něsemy vam tu novinu
Ó, velmi šťastná hodina
Padla rosa studená
Pásli ovce Valaši
Pašli pastire
Panenka Maria po světě chodila
Pláč Ježíškův
Porod Panny Marie
Poslyště s radostí
Proč, Maria, tak vzdycháte
Půjdem spolu do Betléma
Sedí pantáta
Sedzi vrabček
Stoji lipka pochyla
Syn Boží se nám narodil
Šla Maria do kláštera
V půlnoční hodinu

Parameters and specifications



Suitable for

Level Of Difficulty




Artist / Theme

Zuzana Vlčinská



Package Contents


Made in

Czech Republic