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Dunlop 95-Q Cry Baby Guitar Effect


Dunlop 95-Q Cry Baby Guitar Effect

variable 'Q' control modifies the sound from sharp/narrow to fine/broad. Silent auto-off switching bypass circuitry, optional power supply (NT AC/PSA 108096). Colour: Black.
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Guitar Effect Dunlop 95-Q Cry Baby Guitar Effect

Dunlop 95-Q Cry Baby Guitar Effect

179 €

Product code: 95Q | ID: 1170

Dunlop 95-Q Cry Baby Guitar Effect

variable 'Q' control modifies the sound from sharp/narrow to fine/broad. Silent auto-off switching bypass circuitry, optional power supply (NT AC/PSA 108096). Colour: Black.


True Bypass



Inputs and Outputs



Power supply

Battery Operation


Battery Type

Power Supply


UK/EU Power supply included



Made in


4,49 / 5

Based on the number of reviews: 10

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Francesco R.

it Flag




Olivér P.

hu Flag



Számos hasznos beállítás van rajta. Figyelni kell, hogy ne tekerődjenek el a kis potméterek, mert egészen más hangzást fog kihozni, illetve nagyon nagy hangerősülönbséget produkál időnként ha nem figyelünk. Elég hamar, kb egy hónap után elkezdett nyikorogni a pedál, ami halkabb zenélésnél nagyon idegesítő. Ami nagyon pozitív, hogy tényleg elég sokféle beállítástki lehet csikarni belőle, tényleg változatos hangzásokat elérve. Fontos még megemlíteni, hogy nem kattintós a bekapcsolója, ami egyfelől könnyedség, másfelől egyeseknek nagyon furcsa lehet, hogy egyből bekapcsol illetve magától kapcsol ki. Ez nem ad tökéletes kontrolt a kikapcsolásnál, bár eddig nekem nem okozott problémát.

It has many useful settings. You have to be careful not to twist the small potentiometers, because it will produce a completely different sound, and it will sometimes produce a very large volume difference if you are not paying attention. Pretty soon, after about a month, the pedal started to squeak, which is very annoying when playing quieter music. What is very positive is that you can really use it in quite a variety of settings, achieving really varied sounds. It is also important to mention that it does not have a click switch, which is easy on the one hand, but on the other hand, it can be very strange for some people that it turns on and off by itself. This does not give perfect control when switching off, although it has not caused me any problems so far.

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Ivo R.

cz Flag

Czech Republic


Měl jsem původně vyhlídnutého Kirka, ale toto kvákadlo mě ihned po vyzkoušení oslovilo. Neskutečně jednoduše se ovládá, jak je zde napsáno, stačí přiložit nohu a je automaticky zapnuté, sundáte nohu a je vypnuté. Žádné silné "šlápnutí" pro zapnutí/vypnutí. Obrovský bonus je v možnosti ovládat hloubku zvuku, od kterého kvákadlo začne "pracovat" od doslova jemných rozdílů hloubky zvuku, až po maximální úroveň, kterou má oproti jiným a dražším položeno ještě níž. A má i možnost regulace hlasitosti - což mám sice na maximum, ale někomu se to může hodit ... :-). Vyzkoušel jsem jich celkem 5 a toto mě zaujalo opravdu nejvíc.

I originally had my eye on the Kirk, but this quack appealed to me immediately after trying it on. It is incredibly easy to operate, as it is written here, just put your foot and it is automatically on, take your foot off and it is off. No hard "stepping" to turn on/off. A huge bonus is the ability to control the sound depth, from which the quack starts to "work" from literally subtle differences in sound depth, up to the maximum level, which is set even lower compared to other and more expensive ones. And it also has the option of volume control - which I have at the maximum, but it might be useful for someone... :-). I tried a total of 5 of them and this really impressed me the most.

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sk Flag




Marek Š.

sk Flag



Som veľmi spokojný! Mal som predtým GCB95, čo bola tiež paráda, potom som mal 535Q čo kvákalo fakt porovnateľne výraznejšie, ale vadilo mi, že sa plôška nevracala do pôvodnej začiatočnej polohy, inak povedané nevyvíjala žiadny tlak voči mojej nohe a toto je úplne super. Dostal som čo som od toho čakal.

I am very satisfied! I had a GCB95 before, which was also great, then I had a 535Q, which squeaked much more clearly, but it bothered me that the plate did not return to its original starting position, in other words, it did not exert any pressure on my foot, and this is absolutely great. I got what I expected from it.

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