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Electro Harmonix 22500 Dual Stereo Looper Guitar Effect


Electro Harmonix 22500 Dual Stereo Looper Guitar Effect

Effect Dual Stereo Looper is ideal for guitars, other instruments or singing. Looper has 16 drum loops, phantom powered microphone input, possibility to program a foot controller (not included) for Stop and Tap Tempo function. Looper has Octave...
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Guitar Effect Electro Harmonix 22500 Dual Stereo Looper Guitar Effect

Electro Harmonix 22500 Dual Stereo Looper Guitar Effect

289 €

Product code: 22500 | ID: 223170

Electro Harmonix 22500 Dual Stereo Looper Guitar Effect

Effect Dual Stereo Looper is ideal for guitars, other instruments or singing. Looper has 16 drum loops, phantom powered microphone input, possibility to program a foot controller (not included) for Stop and Tap Tempo function. Looper has Octave and Reverse function, Undo and Redo your last setup, loop mode which allows simultaneous playback up to two loops, possibility to record on SDHC card (included in the package is 8 GB SDHC card with the possibility to record up to 12 hours). Quantization loops creates phases that will automatically adjust the beat and can synchronize two loops in same tempo. Ability to backup / restore with PC or Mac via the USB port, ability to connect with Electro-Harmonix FC22500 Loop Up / Down foot controller. Package includes a 9.6 V DC 500 mA powers supply. Dimensions: 146 x 121 x 64 mm.

Parameters and specifications



Power supply

Battery Operation


Power Supply


UK/EU Power supply included



Made in


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3,92 / 5

Based on the number of reviews: 6

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4 1
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2 0
1 0

All reviews come from verified customers who have purchased a product from us in the past.


Voina R.

ro Flag



Eu sunt foarte multumit de acest looper. Constructia e foarte solida.

I am very satisfied with this looper. The construction is very solid.

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cz Flag

Czech Republic


Looper poplatný době vzniku, ale přestě v tomto duchu zároveň dnes i téměř nedostižitelný.

Looper paid at the time of creation, but still in this spirit at the same time almost unattainable today.

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Špiro T.

hr Flag



Vrhunski looper, nije baš plug and play, ali 5 min pogledat uputstva i sve je jasno.

Excellent looper, not exactly plug and play, but 5 minutes of looking at the instructions and everything is clear.

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cz Flag

Czech Republic


Za cca týden, co ho mám, jsem neobjevil nic zásadního, pro co bych litoval, že jsem ho koupil. Snad jen ta cena, ale zase jsem si udělal radost, tak co. Rozhodně mohu doporučit.

Plusy: Má spoustu velmi užitečných funkcí a nastavení Asi jako jediný z looperů, které znám, umožňuje nahrát ve stereu dvě stopy o různé délce a přehrávat je buďto současně nebo postupně. Záznam na SD kartu, délka záznamu je tím pádem prakticky téměř neomezená.Bicí doprovody nahrané z výroby jsou docela kvalitní, navíc je možné si nahrát vlastní a uložit do paměti. Výborná je možnost synchronizace rytmu smyčky s rytmem bicích.

Mínusy: Trochu komplikovanější ovládání, neni to příliš intuitivní, takže mi občas dalo trochu práci to pochopit, ale když jsem si na ten styl zvykl, tak už OK.Nebyl u toho český návod, ale zase tím, že jsem se musel prokousat přes ten anglický, jsem to nastudoval pečlivěji. Slušel by mu přehlednější displej, tenhle 4místný je trochu potřeba pochopit. Kdyby tam byl aspoň dvouřádkový grafický, jako má např. Boss GP10, tak by to bylo super. Misto by tam na něj bylo... Ale není to nic zásadního, jakmile se stim člověk naučí pracovat, tak to nijak zvlášť neruší.

In about a week that I've had it, I haven't discovered anything major that makes me regret buying it. Maybe just the price, but I made myself happy again, so what. I can definitely recommend.

Pros: It has a lot of very useful functions and settings. Probably the only looper I know, it allows you to record two tracks of different lengths in stereo and play them either simultaneously or sequentially. Recording on an SD card, the length of the recording is therefore practically unlimited. The drum accompaniments recorded from the factory are of quite high quality, and it is also possible to record your own and save it to memory. The ability to synchronize the rhythm of the loop with the rhythm of the drums is excellent.

Cons: A little more complicated control, it's not very intuitive, so sometimes it was a bit of work for me to understand, but when I got used to the style, it was OK. English, I studied it more carefully. It could use a clearer display, this 4-digit one needs a bit of understanding. If there was at least a two-line graphic, like the Boss GP10, for example, it would be great. There would be a place for it... But it's nothing major, once you learn to work with the stim, it doesn't bother you in any way.

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Moise Mihai B.

ro Flag

