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Ibanez QX527PB-ABS Antique Brown Stained Headless guitar


Ibanez QX527PB-ABS Antique Brown Stained Headless guitar

The Parallel Wizard neck is 19mm thick all the way through the entire length. It provides an amazing fretting-hand experience for the players who prefer their instrument held in a higher playing position. The 3pc Roasted Maple/Bubinga construction...
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Product code: QX527PB-ABS | ID: 424667

Ibanez QX527PB-ABS Antique Brown Stained Headless guitar

The Parallel Wizard neck is 19mm thick all the way through the entire length. It provides an amazing fretting-hand experience for the players who prefer their instrument held in a higher playing position. The 3pc Roasted Maple/Bubinga construction also offers excellent stability and long-term durability. The Poplar Burl top features an exotic wood grain and the Nyatoh body provides a rich mid-low end. The beautiful Birdseye Maple fretboard imbues this model with an exotic appearance . The fretboard is heat-treated for a balanced attack and rich sustain. Jescar EVO gold frets are known for their bright tone, gorgeous appearance, and excellent features such as long-lasting durability and smooth note bending. The Q58 pickups is designed specifically for use in headless guitars. They provide a clearly defined sound, facilitating excellent tonal balance through all frequencies. The lows are powerful without being muddy, and the highs are bright and clear, but never harsh. As a result, every single note within the chord structure is well defined, and clearly audible. These pickups, with their tonal balance, and extremely low noise performance, work extremely well with both digital and analog effects. Custom string lock is one-piece unit that features very simple construction. This means the hardware requires less maintenance, is highly durable, and allows for very easy string changes. Additionally, no proprietary string is required, so you can continue to use your favorite gauge and brand. The Mono-Tune bridges offer a wide intonation range so that you can easily set the instrument up for tuning down a whole step or even further. The string height is also easily adjustable, and each saddle generally has less material, which leads to more natural and organic tone. The dyna-MIX 10 offers ten sound variations and can easily switch from humbucker and single coil modes with the mini switch. The power Tap mode provides a realistic single coil sound despite its two humbucker pickup layout.


Number of Strings






Pickups Configuration


Number of Frets


Neck Profile


Bridge Pickup


Neck Pickup



Fretboard Inlays



Original Colour by Producer

Antique Brown Stained





Bubinga, Roasted Maple


Roasted Birdseye Maple

Neck Finish

Construction Method



Package Contents

Gig Bag


Incl. Gig bag/Case


Dimensions and Weight

Scale (mm)


Fingerboard Radius


Frets Size

Nut Width (mm)



Made in


4,50 / 5

Based on the number of reviews: 2

5 1
4 1
3 0
2 0
1 0

All reviews come from verified customers who have purchased a product from us in the past.


Jiri V.

cz Flag

Czech Republic


Rukama mi prošlo už několik desítek kytar. Bezhlavou kytaru jsem chtěl především kvůli ergonomii, malé velikosti - prostě vhodný společník kamkoli na cestu, na cvičení. Kytara svým zpracováním budí skutečně luxusní dojem. Sem tam je sice vrchní deska pórovitá, na premiovém nástroji by asi bylo zalito epoxidem a přebroušeno, zde je ponechán celkem rustikální finish. Není to však nic hrozného, já jsem schopen to tolerovat - je to koneckonců dřevo, tedy přírodní materiál. Krk je pohodlný, pražce jsou perfektně začištěny. Náklon pražců o 8° v celé délce hmatníku je - musím uznat - naprosto geniální myšlenka. Adaptace trvala asi půl hodiny a řeknu vám - jít zpět na klasický hmatník vám pak přijde zcela divné. Náklon totiž zlehčuje prstoklad a to jak při rychlých stupnicích, tak zejména při složitých akordech. Inženýrům v Ibanezu klobouk dolů. Kytara je maličká, absence hlavy malé vzezření ještě umocňuje. Je to neskutečně lehounký nástroj. Celkově je hra velmi příjemná díky celkové ergonomii. Ladění je velmi citlivé, je potřeba to dostat do ruky. Elektronika a přepínače fungují spolehlivě, člověk má z ovládání výborný pocit - nikde nic "neskřípe". Snímače - tady celkem spíše zklamání, nebo spíš smíšené pocity. Na AXE FX celkem ujdou. Na Yamaha THR modelingovém kombíčku opravdu nic moc. Na Hughes Kettner Black Spirit 200 do 2xV30 closed boxu vcelku přijatelné - zvláštní kresba tónu a dobrá dynamika. Nicméně u snímačů to vidím na velmi pravděpodobnou výměnu, pokud si kytaru nechám. Nebo jim ještě potřebuju dát šanci? Celkově vzato výborný nástroj s relativně kvalitním zpracováním.

Several dozen guitars have already passed through my hands. I wanted a headless guitar mainly because of ergonomics, small size - simply a suitable companion anywhere for traveling, for practice. The guitar creates a truly luxurious impression with its workmanship. Although the top plate is porous here and there, on a premium instrument it would probably be filled with epoxy and re-sanded, here a quite rustic finish is left. However, it is nothing terrible, I am able to tolerate it - after all, it is wood, i.e. a natural material. The neck is comfortable, the frets are perfectly cleaned. The inclination of the frets by 8° along the entire length of the fingerboard is - I have to admit - an absolutely brilliant idea. The adaptation took about half an hour and I'll tell you - going back to the classic keyboard will feel completely strange. The tilt makes fingering easier, both for fast scales and especially for complex chords. Hats off to the engineers at Ibanez. The guitar is tiny, the absence of a headstock enhances the small appearance. It's an incredibly lightweight tool. Overall, the game is very enjoyable thanks to the overall ergonomics. Tuning is very sensitive, you need to get your hands on it. Electronics and switches work reliably, one has an excellent feeling of control - nothing "squeaks" anywhere. Sensors - rather a disappointment here, or rather mixed feelings. They can get away with AX FX. Really not much on the Yamaha THR modeling station wagon. Quite acceptable on Hughes Kettner Black Spirit 200 in 2xV30 closed box - special tone drawing and good dynamics. However, for the pickups, I see it as a very likely replacement if I keep the guitar. Or do I still need to give them a chance? All in all, an excellent tool with relatively high-quality workmanship.

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Evgeny K.

cz Flag

Czech Republic


Kytara potřebovala trochu práce (jako skoro každá), ale teď je to killer nástroj. Velmi univerzální zvukově.

The guitar needed some work (as almost every one does), but now it's a killer instrument. Very versatile sonically.

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