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LEWITT LCT 40 TS Microphone Cable


LEWITT LCT 40 TS Microphone Cable

Standard neutrik 3-pin male XLR. Needed to use the LCT 640 TS in Dual Output Mode. Suitable for LCT640TS.
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32.50 €
35.90 €
- 9 %
Microphone Cable LEWITT LCT 40 TS Microphone Cable

LEWITT LCT 40 TS Microphone Cable

32.50 €
35.90 €
- 9 %

Product code: LCT-40-TS | ID: 1000489

LEWITT LCT 40 TS Microphone Cable

Standard neutrik 3-pin male XLR. Needed to use the LCT 640 TS in Dual Output Mode. Suitable for LCT640TS.




Type-A Connector

Type-B Connector

Connector Angle


Made in
