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Meinl MDR-E Drum Rug


Meinl MDR-E Drum Rug

Drum Rug Jawbreaker. The specially designed Meinl drum rug in a unique finish makes for an absolutely special look. Dimensions 160 x 150 cm. Comes with bag for easy transportation.
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83.70 €
90.90 €
- 8 %
Drum Rug Meinl MDR-E Drum Rug

Meinl MDR-E Drum Rug

83.70 €
90.90 €
- 8 %

Product code: MDR-E | ID: 210280

Meinl MDR-E Drum Rug

Drum Rug Jawbreaker. The specially designed Meinl drum rug in a unique finish makes for an absolutely special look. Dimensions 160 x 150 cm. Comes with bag for easy transportation.

Dimensions and Weight


160 x 150 cm

Width (cm)


Length (cm)



Made in
