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Revoltage C120USB SET USB Microphone


Revoltage C120USB SET USB Microphone

The discounted set with accessories is put together in such a way that all the products form a perfect harmony. Buying the set also saves you money, as it is cheaper than the products individually. The main picture showing the set is for...
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71 €
84.50 €
- 16 %
USB Microphone Revoltage C120USB SET USB Microphone

Revoltage C120USB SET USB Microphone

71 €
84.50 €
- 16 %

Product code: C120USB-SET | ID: 221449

Revoltage C120USB SET USB Microphone

The discounted set with accessories is put together in such a way that all the products form a perfect harmony. Buying the set also saves you money, as it is cheaper than the products individually. The main picture showing the set is for illustrative purposes.





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Buy Revoltage C120USB USB Microphone in another discounted set.

SET with discounted accessories. Accessories and consumables will be necessary sooner or later. Buy them now and save yourself some money and time. You will not have to deal with it later. Additionally, you can be sure the accessories in the SET will fit your product.

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4,38 / 5

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YaKub Ž.

cz Flag

Czech Republic


Za tu cenu je lepší Behringer C-1U který nemá hodně šumu, má možnost větší hlasitosti atd... Celkově tento mikrofon nedoporučuju, zejména toho šumu je hodně a zvýšení hlasitosti je problém. Sice to má nastavení vstupu hlasu ale prakticky ho nevyužijete.

For that price, the Behringer C-1U is better, which does not have a lot of noise, has the option of higher volume, etc... Overall, I do not recommend this microphone, especially there is a lot of noise and increasing the volume is a problem. It does have a voice input setting, but you won't actually use it.

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Marek P.

sk Flag



Tldr: Celkom dobrý mikrofón v predajni mi ho doporučili keď mi povedali že nemali na sklade mikrofón ktorý som pôvodne plánoval kúpiť (Behringer C1-U) Zaplatil som,prišiel s ním domov a zapojil ho Kvalita ma celkom sklamala. Za 58 eur by som očakával niečo čo je lepšie ako Behringer C-1U ale mýlil som sa. kvalita bola taká istá, možno aj horšia než C1-U. Kebyže stojí tak isto tak sa nesťažujem, ALE ÚČTOVAŤ 58 EUR JE MOC VELA. Z mojich pozitívnych skúseností s relatívne lacnými slúchadlami značky Superlux som očakával aj dobrý mikrofón. Kvalita je dobrá a mikrofón je skoro celý zo železa Na vlastnosti sa sťažovať nemôžem keďze je tento mikrofón relatívne lacný a nieje zlý Mikrofón je celkom dobrý (aj kvalita). Kolonka Pomer cena/kvalita sa pýta na to či sa to oplatí kupovať za tú cenu. Keď hladáte najlepší mikrofón za čo najmenšiu cenu tak si radšej priplaťte a kúpte Rode NT-USB, alebo C1-U kvalita je v pohode ale cena moc vysoká. Superlux ma prekvapil, ale nepríjemne

Tldr: A pretty good microphone in the store, they recommended it to me when they told me they didn't have the microphone I originally planned to buy (Behringer C1-U) in stock. I paid, came home with it and plugged it in. I was quite disappointed in the quality. For 58 euros, I would have expected something better than the Behringer C-1U, but I was wrong. the quality was the same, maybe even worse than the C1-U. If it costs the same, I'm not complaining, BUT TO CHARGE EUR 58 IS TOO MUCH. From my positive experience with relatively cheap Superlux headphones, I also expected a good microphone. The quality is good and the microphone is almost entirely made of iron. I can't complain about the features because this microphone is relatively cheap and not bad. The microphone is quite good (also the quality). The Price/quality ratio column asks whether it is worth buying at that price. If you are looking for the best microphone at the lowest possible price, you should pay more and buy the Rode NT-USB or C1-U. The quality is good, but the price is very high. Superlux surprised me, but unpleasantly

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István M.

hu Flag



Sajnos sehol egy leírás, hogy a baloldali kapcsoló mire jó. Ellenben egy némító gomb jó lenne helyette. Király dolog, hogy adnak hozzá kengyelt. A mikrofon 85%-on szépen tisztán veszi minimális zajjal a hangot. Stream-elés és egyéb online tevékenység során messze jobb hangot vesz mint a headsetek stb. Komolyabb tartalom előállításnál pedig egy zajcsökkentéssel abszolút jó minőséget lehet előállítani. Szerintem belépő minőségibb hang előállításra tökéletes.

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Lajos P.

sk Flag




Dzara J.

hr Flag

