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Waves Kramer PIE Compressor (Digital product)

Waves Kramer PIE Compressor is a unique compressor plugin modeled after a rare vintage compressor favored by Eddie Kramer. It's known for its smooth, musical compression that adds punch and presence to drums, bass, vocals, and other instruments...
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Effect Plug-In Waves Kramer PIE Compressor (Digital product)

Waves Kramer PIE Compressor (Digital product)

29.99 €

Product code: 1178-2866 | ID: 1138767

Waves Kramer PIE Compressor (Digital product)

Waves Kramer PIE Compressor is a unique compressor plugin modeled after a rare vintage compressor favored by Eddie Kramer. It's known for its smooth, musical compression that adds punch and presence to drums, bass, vocals, and other instruments without sacrificing clarity or dynamics.

Key Features:

  • Vintage Compression: Emulates the warm, smooth compression characteristics of a classic hardware compressor.
  • Punch and Presence: Adds punch and definition to drums, bass, and other percussive elements.
  • Smooth Vocals: Gently controls vocal dynamics while preserving their natural character and warmth.
  • Simple Interface: Features a straightforward layout with easy-to-use controls for threshold, ratio, attack, and release.
  • Versatile Applications: Can be used on individual tracks, buses, or the entire mix to add glue and cohesion.

Applications: Ideal for a wide range of applications, including drums, bass, vocals, guitars, and mix bus compression. Its musical character and intuitive controls make it a valuable tool for any producer or engineer.


Parameters and specifications



Compatible with


Supported plug-in formats




System requirements

Hardware Requirements

8 GB RAM, 16 GB HD